~What is Orbital Cellulitis?~
As we all know, -itis mean inflammation; therefore, orbital cellulitis is the inflammation or infection of the tissue around the eye. This includes a persons cheek, eyelid, and eyebrow. Occuring usually in children under the age of 8, orbital cellulitis is uaually a result of bacteria from a sinus infection. But, it can also come from bug bites or previous eye injuries.
With orbital cellulitis children will get a fever of 102*F or above, experience pain and swelling of the tissues around the eye, pain with eye movement, and altered vision. Visible redness and shininess of the area surrounding the eye is seen as well.
It is important to be on top of orbital cellulitis because if untreated it could result in blindness. Treatment includes admitting the child into the hospital for observation and giving antibiotics for the inflammation, via an IV. With severe orbital cellulitis surgery may be needed to drain the infection from around the eye.
Information from http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001012.htm & images from http://www.djo.harvard.edu/files/2704_324.jpg & https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh4iViuB4QM8Ix9azFJlevY0lVrM24LbfQFsx2buJ2YQwlfTRgnoCRMv-sQpBwmm1dN69_uPZbJaac2YnIKXMvNEIA3wue6Dq60XlLTkyhwrmYwJH_Yqe9FSpKs3uJOCF_rzAg18XYHTJNP/s320/orbital+cellulitis.jpg